Two exceptional food markets located in the heart of Athens will give you a unique shopping experience that will cover all your needs in grocery products during your vacation.
The first store is located in 72 Mitropoleos str., in an amazing space combining the aesthetics of a classical building with a great variety of products along with exceptional services.
The other store, a well designed easy to access food market is located near the Acropolis Museum in 8 Athan. Diakou str., waiting to serve its customers within the heart of Athens!
Visit our stores in the center of the city, and you will find fresh fruits & vegetables, meat & poultry, cheese & cold cuts, wine & spirits, and many other useful products!
More Stores:
Monastiraki: 72 Mitropoleos st | T +30 210 3247 706
Open: Μon-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat 8am-8pm, Sun closed* (*except 4/11, 16/12, 23/12 & 30/12/18 & the first Sunday of each sales period. Open hours 11am – 6pm)