Arts & Culture, Food

Grape harvest, an ancient tradition

Since antiquity Greeks have been celebrating the month of September as the month of grape harvesting. It is a communal activity because it needs the collaboration between more than one person.

The specific tradition is mostly alive in villages and islands around Greece and has a quite strong social aspect. After the harvest, people gather together to eat, drink and dance! 

There is however an area in Attica called Mesogeia where the tradition of grape harvesting started in ancient Greece and still is one of the most important and fascinating events of the year! In other words, the Mesogeia area is connected to vineyards and good wine!

What comes after the grape harvest? Well, we immediately tend to think about wine! It is not only the wine…

moustalevria, a dessert containing must, flour, cinnamon, walnuts and rosewater

moustokouloura, grape must cookies, containing grape molasses, water, granulated sugar, salt, olive and seed oil, cinnamon, cloves, brandy, flour and baking powder


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